Monday, November 01, 2010

Halloween by Hand

Most years I get carried away with the whole costume making for Halloween thing. Last year I made my kidlet a Dalek sleep sack since he wasn't yet walking.

The beginnings of a baby dalek costume for #halloween dr who ... on Twitpic
It started out pretty simple, this is about 2 hours in.

Pinning the knob/nodes on the Dalek costume on Twitpic
Three hours in

Dalek baby #halloween on Twitpic
And five hours in, or rather, Snapdragon in it.

Darling Dalek #costume- sans snapdragon #halloween #baby #ali... on Twitpic

All in all, it was very time intensive, but very warm and just what we wanted.

Well, this year I wasn't feeling the whole "time intensive" thing, so this year, the only thing I made for Halloween was a tutu for my tween who went as a dark fairy.  She was delighfully creepy with her zombie-rific stitches painted on, with a simple pink, black, and white tutu made by mom, and everything else borrowed from other people, or gifts from her grandparents.

Amazingly, this years was about 25 minutes of work, and about 25 times the impact.

For more awesome Homemade Halloween goodies, check out

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