Monday, January 17, 2011

The Argument for Introducing Solids Before Six Months

The argument for introducing solids before six months, is as follows.

UNICEF's response to recent media coverage suggesting otherwise than the WHO recommendation can be found here.  Note the second paragraph says exactly what the problem with this old information is.
 "When considering this analysis it should be noted that three of the four authors have
declared an association with the baby feeding industry. Less breastfeeding and
earlier introduction of solid food will lead to greater profit for this industry."

What's that? Let me highlight for you.
"When considering this analysis it should be noted that three of the four authors have
declared an association with the baby feeding industry. Less breastfeeding and
earlier introduction of solid food will lead to greater profit for this industry."

That's right, all this information which my spouse, my friend's spouse and maybe someone you know is going on about, having seen it on the news on Saturday, is propaganda put forth by a group of individuals with a vested financial interest in convincing mothers to wean to solids earlier.  That doesn't sound like the group one should be taking their advice from, in my opinion.

For the average healthy mother, feeding her average baby is a pretty simple task, as  @KimLiving  of In desperate need of entertainment, said on twitter the other day

So please, don't stress that you need to wean your baby to solids.  Baby will tell you when she or he is ready for solids.  Don't let someone trying to sell you something tell you what your schedule needs to be.  Your baby knows much better than they do when the notion of something other than breast milk should be on the menu.  
Come on, you don't take advice on how often to drink pop from big-soda, do you?  Well, if you're going to take advice from anyone, take it from big-boob, and not big-phrama or big-babyfood, because big-boob isn't trying to worm it's way into your pocket. (If it is, well, I'm sure you could sell those pictures somewhere.)

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