I would love to win the GroBaby Shell set, Tiny Bubbles soap, and Wet Bag from the Cloth Diaper Blog. That'd be sweet. I have a Blackberry GroBaby and I LOVE it, and I'm going to be trying Tiny Bubbles soon, but I don't have a wet bag, and so this would be just great to win. I admit it, I love their Feed Your Stash Friday giveaways, even though I've never won one.
I also want to win this weeks Fluff Friday giveaway of not one, not two, but THREE Smartipants diapers. Head on over to The Cloth Diaper Whisperer to check that out.
For theLove of Baby is giving away a Diaper Daisy gift certificate. This would be just awesome to win because it would let me choose the perfect item/s to compliment our current stash, and give me a chance to enjoy the coolness that is Diaper Daisy's site. Its always especially fun to get to utilize the services of your tweeple! For Love of Baby is also hosting a Bummas coth wipes giveaway. I love the Wild Ones. That'd be awesome since we're down a few wipes after Mommy!Fail in leaving the wipes case at the doctor's office. We are going back today for a Mongoosine appointment, and I hope that they have it.
Born2Impress has a FuzziBunz giveaway going on, and I really want to try FuzziBunz. I've heard nothing but good about them, and Snapdragon is all about new experiences. They also have a giveaway for a New Native pouch sling, and I do so love wearing Snapdragon, and truth be told, the sling I made him is just a touch smaller than it should have been. I'd also like to win the Glamourmom nursing tank giveaway. It would so help me to rebuild a post baby wardrobe, which is something that I am so failing at. Mongoosine would also love it if I won the OnePearl giveaway. Really, everything isn't just about Snapdragon. Mongoosine would also love it if I won the Build-a-Bear giftcard giveaway Born2Impress is currently hosting.
Momma Molly has a Fuzzibunz giveaway going on on her blog. Did I mention that I really want to try Fuzzibunz? Or rather, that I want Snapdragon to? Well, I do.
The Mom Buzz is giving away an Urban Fluff Deluxe AIO. These are all kinds of cute, and I have my eye on the chocolate brown with lime lining, personally.
Another of my friends over at Our Life Upstate is having a giveaway for a Purple Ducks Diaper, and they're so cute! I swear, the mama behind Purple Ducks is a straight up miracle worker with diapers, and if you have a diaper dream, she's totally the one who can fulfil it.
Ever since I learned about the wonders of diaper covers and their nifty multi-use snazzitude, I have wanted to have more than just the one that taught me to love. So, I'd love to win the Thirsties Duo being given away from Diaper Style on their Facebook page.
I also am hoping to win a Smart Mom Teething Bling Necklace that my friend Jess is giving away on Monkey Toes Reviews & Giveaways.
I would be delighted to win the Mod Mom pouch sling from Barefoot Mommies.
I would also love to win Mkokopelli's Organic Moby Wrap giveaway. Can you tell I heart babywearing? Snapdragon does too, and I've never tried a wrap. I like the way they look like they would balance his weight more evenly than my pouch.
I could serioiusly use the Ah Goo Baby Plush Pad that Two of a kind, working on a full house is giving away. I like to have snapdragon sleep on a changing pad to protect the mattress, and this would be nice to have. That, and we only have a travel sized changing pad anyway, and it's just kinda tiny.

I also would love to win this giveaway for a Lil' Miss Diva dress for Mongoosine. Sometimes I think she feels left out, and she hasn't had a new dress in, gosh, I can't even remember how long its been. A year or so?
Awww thanks mama! Maybe Z will pull your number!
Thanks for the shoutout on the Diaper Daisy gift certificate! I will be rooting for you! :)
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